Born May 18, 1961

There is a person who says that I am criticizing the Bible,
I think "everyone is better than me" (Philippians 2: 3)
Christians who are ignoring justice I hope to get up. (Matthew 23: 23)

Born in Okinawa Prefecture, after graduating from a commercial high school and after finding employment at a facility company,
I was invited by a friend and I went to Tokyo and I got a job at a Makita confectionery dealer and learned my business.

After that, as agent's president Uehara suddenly changed to a street vendor,
When we also noticed, it was registered as a gang member of the Far East Sekiguchi Family.

Then I became friends with the police officer and worked in front of the Bible headquarters,
This place was a special place where no one can open a store. Bible Association

After that, on April 24, 1993, receiving a message from God,
Miyazato Christian church baptized from Pastor Onaga I started God's evangelism .

Indonesian Prophet
Introduction of Pastor Juliet Pranotto (1 min 50 sec)
Pastor Juliet Pranotto prophecy (3 minutes 30 seconds)

It is the general who succeeded Moses and beat the 31 kings. (65 minutes 35 seconds)

The law stipulated in child of God

東京都東久留米市前沢 2-6-5-206号 大城 勝
大城 勝  電話 070-6564-1147
メール  ( このページは、リンクフリーです。)

≪ 神聖キリスト教会に戻る ≫


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